國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年12月22日上午9:27 · 根據經濟史學家的研究,十六世紀(明代嘉靖、萬曆年代),當時中國的江南地區可說是全世界的首富之區,在市場的需求之下,明代南方的工藝發展非常細巧且類型多變。其中,呈現出人們對幸福生活嚮往的形、紋極受歡迎,大量具有祝願吉祥的玉器上市,像是這件【玉「福壽無疆」螭耳水盛】,外觀引用仿古的雲及螭虎紋樣,底部琢有「福壽無疆」四字,用來當最餽贈文人的壽禮是最適合不過了。
The thriving economy in… 更多 Jiangnan (south of the Yangzi River, Mainland China), the world’s wealthiest region in the 16th century according to scholars, had a population who could afford, and who preferred, a luxurious lifestyle. Arts and crafts enjoyed marked development made possible by commerce, ultimately surpassing the north. Artisans responded to the market and produced works either archaic or fashionable to suit the various styles demanded by high officials, wealthy merchants, and literary scholars.
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