國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年12月15日上午10:00 · 重量是影響玉器價格的原因之一,所以為了惜材、省工,被稱為「新樣」的蘇、揚玉器(乾隆稱這些因應市場需求,迎合一般社會富貴人士喜好的蘇、揚民間作坊玉器為 新樣)在製作玉器時總是遷就玉料的原貌,出現大量的玉山子及許多討喜的巧雕作品,像是附圖這件【玉巧雕人物】,笑容可掬又手持葫蘆,十分精巧。
(PS: 這股遷就玉料原貌又迎合市場需求的風潮也是孕育後來創作 翠玉白菜 的環境!)
Weight, among others,… 更多 determined the price of the final product. To save materials and labor, Suzhou amd Yangzhou artisans often adapted their design to the original conditions of the materials, ending up with many so-called “smart” or “jade mountain” carvings that easily please the eye. (Later, the famous jadeite cabbage was born out of this concept.)
【清中期 玉巧雕人物】
Permanent Exhibit: Art in Quest of Heaven and Truth: Chinese Jades through the Ages
【Jade Figurines in Qiao (smart) carving style】(Northern Branch)
Mid-Qing dynasty
Height: 4 cm, width: 1.5 cm
Website: http://www.npm.gov.tw/exh99/chinese_jades/en1.html