【創業大冒險】2020總統盃黑客松記者會暨提案說明會 直播預告📣 💡提案期間 : 3月2日-4月17日
加入「國家級資料支援」,期待黑客運用政府開放資料,認領公民願望並提案實現✨ 💡直播時間:2月20日下午2:00
記者會將邀請各部會機關共同宣告「2020總統盃黑客松」提案徵件即將開跑,展現致力政府服務創新的決心! 👉詳細內容請鎖定 #2020總統盃黑客松記者會暨提案說明會直播🎬🎬
或上總統盃黑客松官網 … 更多http://presidential-hackathon.taiwan.gov.tw/ 👉活動諮詢
黑客松執行團隊:蕭小姐(02)2366-0812分機320 Proposal submission period: from March 2 to April 17
This year, “national data support” will join to this event, and hackers are expected to make good use of it to make citizens' wishes come true. Live stream on 14:00, February 20
The press conference will invite departments and agencies jointly announced the open for proposal submission of 2020 Presidential Hackathon, and to demonstrate the government’s determination in innovating public services! For more information, please stay tuned the live stream #2020 Presidential Hackathon Press Conference & Proposal Submission Briefing, or Presidential Hackathon website at http://presidential-hackathon.taiwan.gov.tw/ Contact:
Hackathon working team: Ms. Thea (02)2366-0812 ext.320 #PH2020