【政策簡單說】東南亞電商市場蓬勃 深入研究市場不可缺‼ #東南亞 各國人口結構年輕,對新科技📱、電子商務💻 的接受度高,且使用社群網站的時間長,亦習慣透過網路購物,有利於我國電商發展機會⭕ 東南亞市場充滿機會,也充滿挑戰,建議有意進入東南亞市場的中小企業,初期可透過跨境電商深入研究市場,藉由電商可快速蒐集消費者資訊的特性,掌握市場動向,研擬布局策略,最終落地經營☺ 🔎更多東南亞跨境電商的分析,… 更多
可以參考《2019台灣企業跨境關鍵報告:前進東南亞市場》https://reurl.cc/qDxDGN 🔎圖片資料來源:世界銀行資料庫 World Bank Data Set Southeast Asian countries have a higher proportion of young people, who is open to new technology and e-commerce. Furthermore, the young people in this area are highly indulged in and used to shopping through social media, which is the opportunity for e-commerce in Taiwan. Market in southeast Asia is full of challenges, but also opportunities. SMEs are suggested to do research on local markets, and land to operations after testing the market with cross-border e-commerce. For more analysis of e-commerce in southeast Asia, please refer to the link below:
https://reurl.cc/qDxDGN #跨境電商 #電子商務 #國際貿易 #東協