經濟部中小企業處, 台北市。 75,505 個讚 · 1,076 人正在談論這個 · 1,172 個打卡次。瞭解.關心.服務.尊重 願景 : 中小企業創業成長發展的園地 組織定位 : 中小企業創業成長的後盾,迅速有效整合資源,提升競爭力
【政策簡單說】馬來西亞食品市場發展前景 近年來,馬來西亞在食品市場的需求大幅上升📈📣📣
成長率(17.2%)更為東協第一🤩 而健康與機能性食品、便利食品,以及具功能性的食品添加劑,更為馬來西亞食品市場未來的趨勢走向💪💪 我國食品產業發展成熟,各項商品品質優良,宜可利用各國食品展及商機媒合等資源與活動,爭取進入馬來西亞市場的機會👍… 更多 Malaysian food and beverage industry stay optimistic due to high consumption capacity and demand. In 2018, the consumption per capita of food and beverage was 1484.9 US dollars, second only to Singapore; however, the consumption growth was higher than any economy in ASEAN, with a rate of 17.2%. Healthy, functional and convenience food will be the future trends of the Malaysian food market. Since the quality of Taiwan food industry has a good reputation in the world, Taiwanese businesses could try for entering the Malaysian food market by food shows and business matchmaking. 🔎資源來源:
馬來西亞投資發展局 https://reurl.cc/72gqmd