【全年以香港為母港之最大豪華郵輪終於抵港!】<br> [The Long-awaited Luxury Cruise Ship finally arrives in Hong Kong!] 港幣百億打造的全新豪華郵輪 #雲頂夢號 正式進駐香港,停靠於啟德郵輪碼頭跟大家見面! 於盛大的香港啟航典禮上,眾嘉賓一同見證雲頂夢號背後美人魚與太空人的動人故事,為夢想旅途啟航!事不宜遲,馬上為大家呈獻當時的精彩盛況! The… 更多 HK$10-billion-worth #GentingDream of #DreamCruises made its way to Hong Kong Kai Tak Cruise Terminal this morning to meet you all! The launch ceremony onboard was joined by celebrities and distinguished guests, who enjoyed the captivating show "The Voyage of A Lover's Dream" which used rich imagery and immersive sound effects to tell the fantastical love story between a mermaid and an astronaut. See these amazing moments for yourself!