國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年12月1日上午9:35 · 今天介紹給大家的【龍獸形玉飾】很有意思,頭、尾、軀幹、前後肢分明,頭部有小豎耳、橢圓眼、鼻頭上捲、嘴巴微張;由於它的外型像隻小獸,加上全身都雕有神祕的 捲雲紋 紋飾,因此也被稱為「龍獸」。
The jade ornament has clearly delineated head, tail, trunk, fore and hind limbs, with small erect ears and oval… 更多 eyes. Its nose curls up, mouth slightly opens, and its body is covered with cloud-scroll pattern. A small beast-creature, indeed, yet full of mythical designs, so it is called a deagon-creature.
【春秋晚期 龍獸形玉飾】
Permanent Exhibit: Art in Quest of Heaven and Truth: Chinese Jades through the Ages
【Jade ornament in shape of dragon-creature】(Northern Branch)
Late Spring and Autumn period
Height: 2.3cm, length: 4 cm, thickness 0.8 cm
Website: http://www.npm.gov.tw/exh99/chinese_jades/en1.html