非常榮幸與郭元益如此重要的一年合作!<br> <br> 伴點時光—郭元益150周年〔伴手禮〕紀念禮盒<br> 郭元益150周年 X 聶永真<br> <br> "糕"是郭元益的起家餅,也是台灣甜點發展的起點。早年糖並非垂手可得,而糕點更是生活中的奢侈品。先民們混合糖粉與米粉製作糕點,將最貴重的禮物獻給上天感謝過去一年的恩澤。1867年,郭元益創辦人將祖傳糕點裝在竹籠裡,挨家挨戶挑擔叫賣。150年來"糕"… 更多不僅僅是米食文化的體現,亦是承載世世代代台灣味覺記憶的甜點。<br> <br> “Gao”, or paste cakes, is the root of Kuo Yuan Ye, as well as an important part of origin to Taiwanese style sweet pastries. In early years, sugar was an unattainable commodity, and cakes were a rare luxury.<br> The ancestors created pastries by mixing sugar with rice powder and offered them to the divinity as a token of gratitude for the year’s blessing. In 1867, the founders of Kuo Yuan Ye began selling the pastries made with the recipe passed down in the family, distributing… 更多