【創業大冒險】📣「國際加速器及創業人才培訓事業補助」12月18日正式開始收件📣 ✔提供每年最高新臺幣1,000萬元補助,至多補助3年
👉受理方案:採親自遞件、郵件掛號或快遞之方式申請 更多相關訊息:
► https://www.startupterrace.tw/tw/download
►林口新創園專案辦公室… 更多 02-2369-2358
► hello@startupterrace.tw 📣📣📣 STARTUPS PROGRAM 📣📣📣 The 2019 SMEA “Grant Program for International Accelerators and Entrepreneurship Development Organizations” Application Opens Now! The program provides:
✔ Maximum grant of NT $ 10 million per year.
✔ Office space and accommodation discounts. ► Application starts from Dec 18th, 2019 to Jan 31st, 2020Applications accept upon arrival, you can apply in person, by registered mail or by courier.
► For more information: