【政策簡單說】攜手各經濟體,2019年總回顧🙌 我國今年在 #APEC 推動「第4階段 #O2O倡議」及 「第1階段 #城鄉創新生態圈倡議」
並促進中小企業數位轉型與城鄉創新發展。 除了活動辦理
亦蒐集參與系列活動的最佳實踐案例並集結成冊… 更多
協助亞太地區中小企業數位轉型及永續發展✨ 想更了解手冊的內容嗎?
那就請鎖定APEC Monitor官網,將不定期更新最新消息
http://sc.piee.pw/PP2E7 Under 2 APEC initiatives of #O2O and #Local Innovation Ecosystem we proposed this year, 9 events have been held in Malaysia🇲🇾, Russia🇷🇺, Taipei🇹🇼, Thailand🇹🇭, Chile🇨🇱 and the Philippines🇵🇭 to connect and strengthen the bonds between the Asia-Pacific economies and promote the digital transformation of SMEs and local innovation development. Not only do we host events, but collect best practices from serial events and release 2 publications of “Guidebook on SME Embracing Digital Transformation” and “APEC Local Innovation Ecosystem Best Practices” as references for #SMEs to digital transformation and local innovation. #新年新希望