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「華語文能力測驗」將於10月3日舉行聽讀測驗預試,報名時間從8月31日上午9點起至9月18日下午6點止,此次預試各等級僅酌收100元費用,考試當天還可得到小禮物,另有方案可得隨身碟,歡迎母語非華語之人士報考。名額有限,請把握機會報名! ※ 預試不提供紙本成績單和證書,考生於測驗結束後可直接於電腦螢幕上看到成績。
※預試網頁: … 更多http://www.sc-top.org.tw/pilot_test/pilot_test1041003.php
The pilot tests of TOCFL Listening & Reading will be held on October 3, 2015. The registration period is from 9 AM, August 31 to 6 PM, September 18. The processing fee is only NT100 for per band and participants of this test will get a gift on that day. In addition, SC-TOP is offering special deals for an USB flash drive. Welcome the candidates who are non-native speakers of Chinese to take the test. The test seats… 更多


◎代辦費各等新台幣100元 Processing fee: NT$ 100/per band ◎報考 10 月預試的考生,考試當天送超值禮物。 Take the TOCFL pilot test in October, you will receive a gift on the test day. ◎報考流利精通級且聽力測驗通過55分以及閱讀測驗通過60分者,再額外加贈隨身碟!Take Band C of the TOCFL pilot test, and meet both the test result requirements (the TOCFL Listening test is…