【服務.城鄉】城鄉創生 魅力臺灣 ⭐「叮叮噹叮叮噹~鈴聲多響亮~」⭐ 又到了年末最後一個重要節日 聖誕節🎄🎄🎄 📍介紹一個聖誕好去處的旅遊工具📗
🎉《城鄉創生 魅力臺灣》🎉 就像是歲末的禮物🎁在書中可一覽創生的新風景… 更多
📣 線上通路也能購買喔! ⭐「Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way!」⭐ The Xmas, the last important holiday of the year is coming. Presenting to you a alternative guide for where to go in Xmas. “Township Revitalization / Amazing Taiwan” Exploring 50 cases of the amazing transformation of old townships, and discovering the fascinating stories behind. Enjoying the fun and delight of Taiwan. 國家書局( https://s.yam.com/RXGXV )
五南書店( https://s.yam.com/Sktv4 )
🚂推動中小企業城鄉創生轉型輔導計畫 https://sbtr.org.tw/ #經濟部中小企業處
Small Business for Township Revitalization https://sbtr.org.tw/
Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, MOEA