【國發會小調查-外籍人士來(留)台問題】 在這個知識經濟的時代,人才即是國家競爭力的關鍵。為吸引及留用全球優秀人才,協助台灣產業升級轉型,為經濟注入源源活水,並帶動創新創業的風潮,國發會希望廣泛蒐集外籍人士在臺遭遇的問題,希望建構更友善的環境及提供更完善的措施。
因此,如果您或您的外國朋友,有來(留)臺在工作或生活方面的問題,不論是簽證、居留、工作、教育、稅務、金融、保險、醫療、交通、育樂等,都歡迎留言告訴我們喔!… 更多
http://goo.gl/forms/TmzItLHcR6g3Tkxj2 Nowadays, talent resources is the key of national competitiveness. The government believes that acquisition of excellent international talent would be much helpful to Taiwan in Industrial Transformation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and of course beneficial to our economy.
In order to build a more friendly environment for attracting and retaining international talent, the NDC is actively collecting foreign friends’ voices… 更多
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《國發會小調查-外籍人士來(留)台問題》 填表問卷:http://goo.gl/forms/TmzItLHcR6g3Tkxj2 在這個知識經濟的時代,人才即是國家競爭力的關鍵。為吸引及留用全球優秀人才,協助台灣產業升級轉型,為經濟注入源源活水,並帶動創新創業的風潮,國發會希望廣泛蒐集外籍人士在臺遭遇的問題,希望建構更友善的環境及提供更完善的措施。… 更多 因此,如果您或您的外國朋友,有來(留)臺在工作或生活方面的問題,不論是簽證、居留、工作、教育、稅務、金融、保險、醫療、交通、育樂等,都歡迎留言告訴我們喔! [Do you or your foreign friends have difficulties coming or living in Taiwan?]<br> In this era of the knowledge economy, talent is the key to national competitiveness. To attract and retain foreign talent, assist with the upgrading and transformation of Taiwan’s industry, continually inject vitality into the economy, and encourage entrepreneurship, the NDC plans to collect opinions from a wide range of foreigners regarding problems encountered in… 更多