恭喜!!史上第3位女性諾貝爾物理獎得主 史崔克蘭(Donna Strickland) 恭喜~~繼1903年居里夫人(Maria Curie)及1963年梅爾夫人(Maria Geoppert-Mayer),諾貝爾物理獎舉辦以來第三位女性得主唐娜史崔克蘭(Donna Strickland)女士。 唐娜史崔克蘭(Donna… 更多 Strickland)知道自己獲得諾貝爾物理獎後發表談話:「我認為物理界有更多女性學者值得表揚,且對於能夠成為其中一員而感到榮幸」。史崔克蘭女士出生於加拿大安大略省貴湖市(Guelph),目前為加拿大滑鐵盧大學物理系助理教授,她的信念是對自己有著巨大的自信,且對自己想做的事勇往直前。 “We need to celebrate women physicists because they’re out there… I’m honoured to be one of those women," says Donna Strickland.
She becomes the third woman to receive the #NobelPrize in Physics, joining Maria Goeppert-Mayer(1963)and Marie Curie(1903).Congratulations!
Donna Strickland, this year's #NobelPrize laureate, was born in 1959 in Guelph, Canada. She is Associate Professor at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada @UWaterloo
Nobel Prize-winning physics professor follows her gut “I have tremendous confidence in myself…I just go and do what I want to do.” https://youtu.be/tbbIJqKCm2E(影片網址)