【張領袖代表夫人與 #巴紐 小朋友同歡🤹🏻♀️】 Although a lot of the focus 🧐has been on what's happening within the chamber at the APEC Papua New Guinea 2018 Economic Leaders Meetings, Taiwan is also showing its concern 💝for the… 更多 welfare of others on the sidelines of the meeting. Sophie Chang, the wife of the head of our delegation to the meeting, had some fun with children from #GatewayChristianSchool. Their angelic voices sang to welcome our delegation🎼, providing a moment of relief from the high-pressure meeting preparations and they posed with Mrs. Chang for a photo 📸, forming a heart with their fingers. #APEC2018 不只場內精彩,場邊更充滿了來自 #臺灣 的愛心與關懷...💞 張領袖代表夫人今天和當地 #捷威基督教學校 的小朋友們一起同樂~ 這群居住在 #赤道 上的小天使們😇,用真誠 #療癒的歌聲🗣🎶 唱出一句句對臺灣的歡迎,也舒緩了團員們準備會議的緊繃心情~ 最後一起1~2~3~用手比心🧡,就讓彼此心心相映💘 貫穿今年的會期吧! 📚外交小學堂<br> 「捷威基督教學校」於2004年開始運作,其主要宗旨係為巴紐首都Port Moresby近郊之落後村莊提供包括兒童發展(child development), 識字(literacy), 健康照護(health care)及教育(education)等各種兒童服務項目。該校主要招生對象係出生在貧窮家庭之小孩,目前招收200餘名兒童,計有超過學校附近百戶貧困家庭受益。學校希望藉此提升兒童接受正常教育機會,協助貧困社區之發展,為身處艱難環境之貧窮弱勢小孩,找到人生希望出口。 #把愛傳出去 #用愛走天涯 🙆🏻♂️🙆🏻♀️<br> #本日最萌 #LoveIsKing 👑