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#APEC2018 張忠謀領袖代表準備啟程前進巴紐 🛩️
分享 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan)
【#APEC2018 張忠謀領袖代表出發🛫】 Dr. Morris Chang, the founder of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and the head of our delegation to the APEC Papua New Guinea 2018 🌐Economic Leaders’ Meeting, had some parting… 更多 words before boarding his flight to the #summit. He pledged to do his best to speak up 💬 for #Taiwan during the meetings and to #interact with the delegations of other countries as much as possible, as well as striving to safeguard 💪 Taiwan’s interests. #HarnessingInclusiveOpportunities #EmbracingTheDigitalFuture #DigitalEconomy 今早的桃機好熱鬧,原來是我們 #APEC 張領袖代表準備啟程前進 #巴紐 啦🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️~ 這歷史性的一刻,小編也立馬手拍🤳記錄下來了... 張領袖代表登機前對外發表談話,表示將在這次 #峰會 ⛰積極發言,在會外,也將把握與各經濟體領袖面對面的場合,跟其他經濟體的代表 #互動 🤝~ 臺灣的 #創新經濟 在區域內扮演重要角色,透過這次的會議,張領袖代表將努力爭取 #臺灣 應享有的權益! #把握包容性機會 🏳️‍🌈 #擁抱數位未來 📶 <br> #這些都是臺灣的強項R 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️