【創業大冒險】✨108年度TAcc+成果發表會✨圓滿成功🎉🎉 經濟部中小企業處帶領來自 TAcc+培育輔導之32家新創團隊,於林口新創園參展交流🙋♂🙋♀ 發表會活動除了展示各新創公司與團隊的成果外,現場也透過18家新創團隊精彩的營運規劃發表,選出優秀團隊並進行表揚👏👏👏 活動座無虛席,
有TAcc+陪你一起奮鬥💪… 更多
絕對不孤單喔! #有TAccplus創業不孤單 ✨ "Annual TAcc + Demo Day 2019" ✨
was a SUCCESS! 🎉🎉 SMEA led 32 # TAcc + startups to participate in the 2019 Demo Day at Startup Terrace. 🙋♂🙋♀ In addition to showcasing what TAcc+ startups have achieved in 2019, 18 outstanding teams were also selected to pitch on stage. 👏👏👏 There were no empty seats! And everyone was so full of positive energy! 😉 On this road of entrepreneurship, you are not alone for TAcc+ is with you! 💪 # Not alone on the road of entrepreneurship