皇家加勒比郵輪公司裁員26%的美國員工 109年4月15日 新聞媒體今天報導,由於冠狀病毒(COVID-19)大流行的結果,皇家加勒比郵輪公司計劃裁員和強制大量的美國僱員休假。Miami Herald表示,該公司計劃透過永久性裁員和強制90天帶薪休假,將佛羅里達,威奇托,堪薩斯州和斯普林菲爾德合併的1300名員工,減少26%的勞動力。 資料來源:
http://crew-center.com/royal-caribbean-laysoff-26-its-us-employees。Crew Center,2020/04/18。 Royal Caribbean laysoff 26% of its U.S. employees
Apr 15, 2020
The news media… 更多 reported today that Royal Caribbean Cruises plans to lay off and furloughing a significant number of employees based in the United States.
Miami Herald said that the company plans to reduce its workforce by 26 percent, or about 1300 employees across Florida, Wichita, Kansas, and Springfield, through a combination of permanent layoffs and 90-day furloughs with paid benefits.
The layoffs are a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. that has shut down the cruise industry impacting all cruise lines across the world. The cruise industry has been under a voluntary shutdown since March and faced additional 100-day no-sail order pushing the potential resumption of the cruise industry’s operations until late July.