【政策簡單說】菲律賓汽機車銷量逐年成長 零配件產業具發展潛力📣 據 #東協汽機車聯盟(ASEAN Automotive Federation)統計,菲律賓近年來機車及新車銷量逐年成長,2014至2018年間,汽、機車新車銷量漲幅都將近100% 若加上二手車市場銷量,數字會更可觀🤩
並評估進入菲國市場的可行性😎 🔎資料來源:… 更多
東協汽機車聯盟網站 https://www.asean-autofed.com/
🔎圖表數據來源:東協汽機車聯盟(ASEAN AUTOMOTIVE FEDERATION,AAF),本研究整理 In accordance with the survey conducted by ASEAN Automotive Federation(AAF), sales of auto and motorcycle has surged for the past 5 years. From 2014 to 2018, both sales of new motorcycle and autos have grown by around 100%. The sales of used car is not included in the number above, indicating that the potential for development of Auto and Motorcycle industrial chain in the Philippines. #SMEs are strongly suggested to do research on the Philippine markets of Auto and Motorcycle and enter the market through local networks.