休士頓僑教中心「文化導覽」前往Pearland 社區
向銀髮婦女團體介紹臺灣春節與元宵節 2月18日下午休士頓僑教中心莊主任雅淑與中心臺灣文化導覽志工到休士頓東南郊的Pearland 社區,向50餘位Women’s Talk in Country… 更多 Place婦女團體介紹臺灣春節習俗,現場佈置了一株美麗的桃花栽種在古色古香的中式大花盆中,襯托出優美的節慶氣息。團體的成員還準備了包括年糕、鍋貼、橘子在內的應景食品,更突顯農曆年的飲食傳統。
Houston Culture Center [Splendor of Taiwan] visited local organization in Pearland on Feb. 18th, the volunteer introduced Taiwan Lunar New Year and the Lantern Festival to the group [Woman’s Talk in Country Place] which is formed by senior ladies. They decorated the room with beautiful flowers in oriental vase, and they… 更多