【歡迎光臨臺灣,歡迎光臨世大運選手村】 這是臺灣第一座選手村,選手村顧名思義,就是提供選手於賽事期間所需的生活起居,19個部處突破重重困難,彼此協調努力於各個界面的整合,也要感謝中央、臺北市政府以及新北市政府的同仁們盡心盡力,才有如此理想的選手村,相信選手們一定會有賓至如歸的感覺。… 更多 從我代表臺北市,在光州接下世大運會旗的那一刻起,夢想跟責任也隨之而來,臺北市已準備好用最誠摯的態度向世界伸出雙手。也特別感謝FISU,以及世界各地參與者的支持,讓我們的夢想成真,再次感謝大家。 This is Taiwan’s first ever Athletes’ Village which literally means it will provide athletes with thorough services they will need in daily life. Our colleagues from 19 divisions work as a team to cooperate. Also, I would like to extend sincere gratitude to colleagues from central, Taipei City and New Taipei City government for their restless diligence. Without everyone’s efforts, there will not be such an ideal Athletes’ Village. I firmly believe that… 更多
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