【政策簡單說】日本🇯🇵電子支付現金回饋政策介紹‼ 為降低10月1日起消費稅調高後對中小業者的衝擊,
同時帶動日本 #行動支付 習慣,日本政府以消費點數回饋措施,
連鎖商店與網路購物平台等通路無現金化支付📱 ✅日本中小企業若有申請需求,需依下列三步驟: 1⃣透過支付平台業者申請參加… 更多
3⃣即可加入電子支付的行列 消費者也可以獲得消費金額2%至5%的現金回饋✌ 🔎參考資料:
日本消費還元事業連結 https://cashless.go.jp/ “Cashless Payment and Reward Points” Plan, launched by Japan Government, is to promote #mobilepayment and offset the impact of consumption tax rose from 1st October, 2019. The plan encourages consumers to pay by credit card, prepaid card, and cellphone in small and medium retail and food service enterprises. SMEs in Japan can be part of the plan when their applications are permitted by the authorities; therefore, customers will be rewarded 2%-5% points of consumption.