Province of China => Taiwan !! 台灣就是台灣,說 R.O.C 老外還是搞不懂哪一「中」,那就乾脆連署正名 Taiwan 吧!網路上有有網友提出了正名連署,大家一起來!台灣就是台灣,越描越黑的 ROC 別再來了! 本簽署目的在鄭重要求:國際標準組織(ISO)
將台灣列為「中國.台灣省」更正成為「台灣」! #台灣 #中國 #省 #ROC #Taiwan #正名
ISO: Change the present "Taiwan, Province of China" to "Taiwan"
Taiwan is definitely not "a province of China". We, the Taiwanese, have elected our leader through direct democratic means, fully support the democratic rights of self-determination, and the entitlement to certain inalienable rights of all humanity. Taiwan has its own political, postal, financial, a…