【創業大冒險】林口新創園正式啟動 📣亞洲指標性國際創業聚落-林口新創園(Startup Terrace),已於10月17日(四)啟動,已有132家以上國內外加速器與新創業者進駐。 👏結合新創應用成果,展現新創運用智慧新科技,打造無限創業的新創未來城。行政院長蘇貞昌、經濟部長沈榮津、內政部次長花敬群、科技部次長許有進、國發會副主委鄭貞茂、經濟部中小企業處處長何晉滄等貴賓一同支持新創生態圈。 ✔臺灣最具規模的新創新創聚落… 更多
👉更多資訊請上林口新創園官方網站: https://www.startupterrace.tw/ 【Startup Terrace has been grandly opened】 📣 The launch ceremony of Startup Terrace, an iconic international entrepreneurs’ village in Asia, is going to be conducted on October 17th (Thursday).
💡 Startup Terrace has attracted at least 132 domestic/foreign accelerators and startups to move into it. President of the Executive Yuan Mr. Tseng-Chang Su, Minister of Economic Affairs Mr. Jong-Chin Shen, Political Deputy Minister… 更多