【創業大冒險】Facebook #SheMeansBusiness 成果分享會 10/17登場! #SheMeansBusiness 為Facebook推出的全球性專案計畫,旨在支持女性創業家有效使用數位行銷工具,建立寶貴人脈及創造品牌行銷能量。 女性創業飛雁計畫,攜手Facebook #SheMeansBusiness,
自5月起陸續於全台各地辦理12場次課程,獲得廣大迴響!… 更多 因此這次特別於10/17舉辦台北場成果分享會,
並樹立女性創業標竿,以創造社會正向發展的溫柔力量🌸 ✨時間:10/17(四) 14:00-17:00
專員 吳小姐 Tel: 07-332-1068 # 15
信箱: sysme061@gmail.com *本活動完全免費,惟主辦單位Facebook保有參訓對象審核權益 The female entrepreneurship program, together with Facebook #SheMeansBusiness, has been hosting 12 courses across Taiwan since May, and has attracted a lot of attentions! Particularly on 10/17, we are inviting female entrepreneurs to share how to effectively use Facebook tools, encourage more female entrepreneurs to enhance the digital marketing energy. Further, to establish a standard for women's entrepreneurship to create a gentle force for the positive development of society.