經濟部中小企業處, 台北市。 75,505 個讚 · 1,076 人正在談論這個 · 1,172 個打卡次。瞭解.關心.服務.尊重 願景 : 中小企業創業成長發展的園地 組織定位 : 中小企業創業成長的後盾,迅速有效整合資源,提升競爭力
【政策簡單說】英國脫歐在即 企業可提早檢視檢查清單因應 距離 #脫歐 大限10月31日已經不遠,
歐盟執委會也重申不會再修改脫歐協議,英國應在接受或拒絕間擇一。 此外,歐盟針對「歐盟預算」、「漁權」、「陸海空交通運輸」、「金融服務」、「Erasmus+計畫」、「境內外國公民權」等議題
降低脫歐對其於歐盟成員國的影響。… 更多
建議在歐洲的臺商可提早因應,避免英國脫歐造成的衝擊‼ ✔因應脫歐檢查清單 https://reurl.cc/xDQzaV 31 October, the deadline of #Brexit, is not far away. However, the British parliament is still seriously divided, so the tendency of hard Brexit is becoming greater. The European Commission reiterated that Brexit Agreement will not be amended; the deadline will not be postponed. Britain must pick one or the other. In addition, the EU has established a preparedness checklist and set up a timeline for key contingency measures, such as EU budget, fishing authorization, transportation, financial services, Erasmus+, and national measures for citizens’ rights, in order to soften the impact on EU member states brought by Brexit. It is suggested that Taiwanese business react as soon as possible based on the timeline to avoid damages. #EuropeanCommission