美國前國安顧問 Susan Rice 批評川普總統從敘利亞撤軍的決定,不僅背棄庫德族盟友,陷美國人自身於危險,也等於給其他美國盟邦以下訊息: "And the message that that sends to all of our potential allies and partners around the world is, you know, when the president wakes up on… 更多 the wrong side of the bed, we’ll throw you under the bus.” 不過 Susan 這話是嚇唬不了台灣的,當前台灣國安高層對台美關係信心滿點,全然相信台海一旦開戰,美國人一定會趕來幫忙的⋯ https://ijr.com/rice-slams-trumps-syria-withdrawal-hints-could-be-impeachable/ #國家安全豈容天真想像
Obama's National Security Advisor Slams Trump's Syria Withdrawal, Hints That It May Be Impeachable
Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice called out President Donald Trump for his decision to withdraw troops from northern Syria.