這位英國新首相的作為讓人瞠目結舌。 Quote 花妹
「脫歐 Impact!
才剛在ISA 聽Neil Carter 講英國過去幾年FoE GIB ASK Campaign, CC Bill 的成功經驗。
結果,新首相 Theresa May 要關了氣候變遷與能源部,選了問 'Is Climate Change real ? ' 的Leadsom 當環境部長!慘!」 … 更多http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change-department-killed-off-by-theresa-may-in-plain-stupid-and-deeply-worrying-move-a7137166.html
Climate change department killed off by Theresa May
The decision to abolish the Department for Energy and Climate Change has been variously condemned as “plain stupid”, “deeply worrying” and “terrible” by politicians, campaigners and experts. One of Theresa May’s first acts as Prime Minister was to move responsibility for climate change to a new Depa...