國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年7月13日上午9:40 · 方壺盛行於戰國至兩漢,漢代稱之為鈁(鈁:古時一種方口的量器)。
The square hu was a popular shape from the Warring States period up until Eastern and Western Han… 更多 dynasties, when it was called fang. The motif of this hang vessel is divided into three tiers, illustrating vividly the lifestyle of aristocracy and the unique bronze décor at the time: the top, court life of leisure and entertainment; the middle, hunting scenes with horses and chariots; bottom, a depiction of mulberry leaves picking.
【戰國早期 狩獵紋鈁】
Rituals Cast in Brilliance–Chinese Bronzes Through the Ages
【Fang wine vessel with… 更多