National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
【銀鹽世代-尋找歲月靈光 臺灣攝影家原作展1890s~2015】即日至11/13 台灣攝影藝術的發展,經過一百多年來的吸納、衝撞、交融與再生,在異國思潮的薫陶及本土意識的自省下,誕生自有的影像文化。日治時期的前輩攝影師們,透過業餘愛好及專業寫真館的生活描繪影與紀念肖像,在吉光片羽中,記錄著不同世代的容顏與生活景觀 For over a century, the development of photography… 更多 in Taiwan has continued to accept and infuse new elements, then recreate into different notable features and blending with foreign influences and local reflections, to form the unique photography culture of Taiwan. Senior amateur photographers or photography studio operators from the time recorded the fragments of time, which represents the unique living styles of different generations.