104年美加地區國慶文化團─明華園戲劇總團,18日抵達巡演首站洛杉磯,19日正式演出。被喻為「東方歌劇」的明華園,首度到洛杉磯演出,吸引不少美國朋友及僑胞的注意。明華園戲劇總團本次的演出共有2個劇碼,第一場《鴛鴦槍》表現歌仔戲深具親和力與草根性的特色,第二場《護國將軍》展現了傳統戲劇多種武器和武術身段,演出均獲得觀眾好評。 Ming Hwa Yuan Art Group… 更多 is established in 1929, with 86 years of history in developing Ge Zai Xi (Taiwanese Opera) into a household name. Ming Hwa Yuan Art Group have a record for largest audiences of 100,000 in a single outdoor performance. After seeing the performance by Ming Hwa Yuan, they all fell in love with the charm of Ge Zai Xi.