【政策簡單說】泰國珠寶工藝精湛,開啟閃亮商機💎💍👑💖 泰國🇹🇭的珠寶首飾產業有超過90%為中小企業經營,以加工處理技術聞名,加上優越的地理位置,為重要的珠寶集散地和進出口貿易中心,是中小企業的主要出口產業,更與國家經濟息息相關✨ 政府為促進文化創意產業之一的珠寶產業發展而推動「創意泰國 (Creative Thailand)… 更多 計畫」,加上近年政府豁免部分原材料的進口關稅與增值稅等,並且製成品的關稅也下調至10%,對泰國市場有興趣的微型或中小企業可藉此機會開拓市場,增加更多交流機會👭👬👫 🔎資料來源:SME 4.0 The Next Economic Revolution (OSMEP)
🔎創意泰國 (Creative Thailand) :https://www.creativethailand.org In #Thailand, more than 90% of #GemsandJewelryIndustry is run by #SME. With the well- known Processing technology and convenient location, Thailand has long been an important hub of the gems and jewelry trade.💎💍👑 To promote Thailand's Creative Industry, the Thai Government launches “Creative Thailand” campaign, and exempts some customs import duties and VAT on raw material. Moreover, the tariffs on finished good are decreased to 10%. #MSEM interested in the #thaigemsandjewelry business can take this opportunity to develop the market.