【政策簡單說】菲律賓選舉結束 經濟成長動能恢復📈 臺灣是2017年投資菲律賓的第二大國,主要集中在金融保險業、金屬製品與電子零組件製造業、批發及零售業等。 2019年 #菲律賓 期中選舉後,國家預算可望解除凍結,各項基礎建設工程可望持續。最近國際信評機構標準普爾(S&P)更提升菲律賓主權評等至BBB+,創下菲國最佳記錄!經濟前景看好!📢… 更多
S&P 報告:https://s.yam.com/aSybX Taiwanese investment is the 2nd largest in the Philippines in 2017, in which over 90% are invested in Financial and Insurance Activities, Manufacture of Fabricated Metal Products and Electronic Parts and Components, and Wholesale and Retail Trade.
After #ThePhilippines mid-term election in May 2019, the national budget, which is frozen before the election, is expected to be reviewed, passed, and executed after the election; thus infrastructure projects can be completed. Recently, the S&P upgrading of the Philippines credit rating to record-high BBB+ has shown the positive long-term outlook of the economy with prosperous future!
SMEA will keep its eyes on the latest news and gather accessible network resources for Taiwanese SME to develop the Philippine market. http://yt1.piee.pw/KEBLV #RodrigoDuterte
S&P upgrades Philippines
S&P Global Ratings cited solid growth trajectory, a strong external position and sustainable public finances as factors behind the upgrade.