僑務委員會 OCAC, 台北市。 101,914 個讚 · 5,706 人正在談論這個 · 1,412 個打卡次。僑胞是國家的資產及國力的延伸,是與我們流著相同的血液,有著同樣信念與夢想的家人。80多年前為了凝聚如此珍貴的情感並服務海內外的僑胞,僑務委員會誕生了。
『A Summary of the 2015 Tea Beverages and Light Meals Culinary Training Course』
OCAC's Tea Beverages and Light Meals Culinary Training Course aimed at assisting expat Taiwanese aspirants in acquiring the knowhow… 更多 and skills necessary for preparing light meals and finger food, in hopes of nurturing their startup capabilities and enhancing their business management efficiency, to promote Taiwan's noted culinary culture around the world. The program featured veteran chefs who coached the attendees in designing a menu of Taiwanese specialty dishes, and giving traditional Chinese dishes a western spin. The attendees also went on site visits to famous restaurants and business establishments. The program, hosted by the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, was attended by 35 participants from 13 countries, who successfully completed their training. *More information:
  • Mayer Angela
    Very impressed to see in Auckland that many Taiwanese started their own businesses and succeeded.