恭喜拜登總統、賀錦麗副總統,獲得美國大選的勝利! 大家期待拜登總統能夠重新團結美國、領導世界、共同對抗疫情,同時重建經濟、促進世界的和平。 過去訪美時,曾與拜登總統有過數面之緣,替他開心。希望未來台灣持續維持與兩黨互動,台美關係向前邁進一步。 - I would like to extend my congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice… 更多 President-elect Kamala Harris! We are confident that President Biden will reunite the nation, assume global leadership in combatting the pandemic together, while restoring the economy and strengthening peace. I had the pleasure of meeting Joe on several occasions while visiting the U.S. I am hopeful that the U.S. and Taiwan will further its relations under the 46th U.S. president. We will continue to work with both the GOP and Democrats in this effort. #相信民主