全民都相當關注美國即將登場的總統大選,連動影響台灣在美中角力下的空間與策略。 「在接下來的美國大選當中,我國政府不能選邊站。」我們一再強調,台灣面對美國局勢應該遵守外交法則不干預他國選舉,才不會將選後的台灣置於險境。 今天特別感謝與我們視訊連線──人在北卡羅萊納州戴維森學院、美中台關係專家任雪麗教授(Prof. Shelley Rigger),帶來的第一手深度剖析!在場青年朋友都收穫良多! Taiwan pays… 更多 much attention to the upcoming U.S. presidential election. The result will impact U.S.-China-Taiwan triangular relations and policies that follow suit. “Our government can’t afford to endorse any particular candidate.” We must abide by the diplomatic etiquette of not meddling with another country’s domestic politics and avoid the risk that it involves. We are thankful to Prof. Rigger from Davidson College for sharing her first-hand insights with our youth.