https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=530 豐隆農產加工廠以屏東在地生產的檸檬、金桔、老薑及薑黃,秉持客家古早口味及製法,不含化學添加物,製作手工黑糖雙合薑、手工檸檬乾、手工蜜金桔等伴手小禮或是檸檬清潔用品,把客家的傳統與創意結合,研發多元產品,營造自然、健康清新的形象。 Feng Long Farm 's… 更多 agricultural products uses the Lemons, kumquats, old ginger, and turmeric produced locally in Pingtung, and upholds the Hakka age-old flavor and preparation method to ensure that the products are free of chemical additives, and to produce souvenir gifts such as Hand-made Brown Sugar Shuanghe Ginger, hand-made dried lemon, hand-made honey kumquat, or lemon cleaning products. Feng Long Farm 's agricultural products integrate creativity into Hakka tradition to develop a diversified range of… 更多