http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=195… 更多 阿綿從一張摺疊桌及一斗米開始了新的人生旅程。經典的客家點心-芋粄,經由阿綿的改良後,成了芋見圓月,堅持遵循古法純手工製作,從芋頭的挑選到清洗、切絲等,經過多道手續,才能完成口感的綿密Q滑。阿綿嚴選來自屏東客家庄的優質麻油,和北港花生製成的花生醬,期待結合創新手法,帶給顧客不僅是嶄新的感受,也是最實在的好味道。 Starting from a folding table and a bucket of rice, A-Mian Food Company began a new life journey. A-Mian made improvements to the classic Hakka snack - Taro Ban - to become the dish named "Taro Viewing the Full Moon." The company insists on following the ancient manual production process, from selection of the taros to washing and shredding, and only through such a multiple production process can the tender conscience Q-smooth taste be fully manifested. A-Mian… 更多