http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=846… 更多 「海瑞摃丸」是新竹客家地區最早開始經營摃丸製作的店,除傳承一甲子手工製作功力,也兼顧客家地區口味上的變化,選取優質在地肉品及客家家常調味食材「紅麴」,開發了「紅麴摃丸」,一口咬下,紅麴香氣頓時化開,紅麴讓肉品更顯彈性,客家美食以「丸封」姿態閃亮於料理界上,也因為方便購買、易於烹調,對客家美食推廣深具意義。摃丸好吃秘訣,關鍵在於千錘百煉的肉漿,要成就這份美味,需要執著的精神相伴,嚴選臺灣在地豬肉,結合客家食材,增加風味層次,賦予傳統摃丸新意。 Hairei Meat Ball is the oldest hand-made meatball brand founded in Hsinchu’s Hakka regions, not only inheriting a 60-year-old recipebut also catering to Hakka’s regional variations in taste by developing “Red Yeast Rice Meat Ball” using locally sourced quality meat and Monascus Purpureus, a common seasoning in Hakka cuisine. Take one bite of this meat ball, and the fragrance of red yeast rice will… 更多