https://hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=136… 更多 德育的金線連就種在花東縱谷最美的湖岸─鯉魚潭,金線連汲取了花蓮在地豐富的土壤元素,搭配充足不受汙染的水源、純淨的空氣及充足的日照,讓金線連的成長更為茁壯,而為了讓大家認識這得來不易的金線連茶,特別以臺灣花蓮在地種植的白鶴靈芝、三葉刺五加等草本植物,以特調的比例,與金線連一同製茶,品嘗起來不苦不澀,溫潤而回甘。 The Anoectochilus Formosanus of Deyu is grown around Liyutan Lake – the most beautiful lakeside in the rift valley. It absorbs the rich elements from the soil in Hualien. Irrigated with uncontaminated water, it breathes pure air and enjoys plenty of sunshine. So the Anoectochilus Formosanus grown here is better and stronger. To allow people to learn more about this precious Anoectochilus Formosanus Tea, he uses the white crane flowers three-leaved acanthopanax, and other… 更多