趙天麟, 高雄市。 197,049 個讚 · 7,096 人正在談論這個。國會新鮮力 趙天麟 官方Line帳號:@SKYCHAO
  • Edward Chiou
    President 馬 and the entire cabinet should resign en masse(內閣總辭)… 更多 on or before 03/19/2016, pending the new President to be sworn in(新總統宣誓就職) on 03/20/2016.

    While bathing in the sunset boulevard of his political life(沐浴於政治生涯的日落大道), President 馬 behaved like an unbridled horse(一匹脫韁的野馬). The most noticeable story recently is that he launched the third-round political vendetta (發動第三回合 政治血仇) against his political rival(對付政敵) Mr. 王金平. Meanwhile Mr. 馬 had already fired the first shot (他已開第一槍) by putting his fingers into the judiciary system(介入司法系統). And now Mr. 王金平 is in a hard and rock place(極端困惑).