Danny Chang
@{Jam Woo} 應該這麼說,台灣講的是情理法,所以只要言語辱及家人打人就有正當性。而西方社會講究法理情,所以打人就是不對的。Academy 已經出來譴責暴力,LAPD 在等當事人提告就會啟動調查了。
Jam Woo
@{Danny Chang|dannychang1979} exactly. This set a terrible precedent for young people whom are learning to deal with conflicts. Thinking a slap will put everything in order. So bad.
Danny Chang
@{Jam Woo} joke was surely flat and offensive. But Will Smith should not resort to physical violence simply based on a verbal insult. Let’s see if he’s going to be charged with assault.
Danny Chang
@{楊小龍|100012096967688} 處理的方法有很多。跟主辦方反應也行,直接站起來罵也行,他動手就是輸了,而且還是在這麼大的舞台。不只輸了形象,還有後續法的問題。
Jam Woo
@{Danny Chang|dannychang1979} surely when report ask about chris’ joke, Smith can state that his joke wasn’t funny and it hurts love one. Now who is the winner?
Danny Chang
@{王捷|wangjiela} Common assault carries a maximum penalty of six months in prison and/or a fine. A person charged with a first offence is likely to receive a fine rather than a custodial sentence.