Lee Chong Khee
@{Margaret Chan} I fully agreeded with you
Margaret Chan
@{Lee Chong Khee|lee.chongkhee} You should have asked the same question about other democratic countries like the America. What they did during the last elections of Joe Biden vs Donald Trump.
Lee Chong Khee
@{Margaret Chan} I knew, but the way their existing government did do you agreed lt is very democratic way.
Margaret Chan
@{Lee Chong Khee|lee.chongkhee} Why did you question is Taiwan a democratic country? EVERYONE knows Taiwan is one of the democratic country in Asia and in the world.
Lee Chong Khee
@{Margaret Chan} what do you mean?. Is the present government did very democratic.
Margaret Chan
@{Lee Chong Khee|lee.chongkhee} One of the most ignorant questions I’ve ever heard.