專家都提出忠告了,聽不聽就看自己囉。 美國「債券天王」Jeffrey Gundlach:中國不可投資! 債券天王岡拉克在雅虎財經5日發佈的專訪中指出,「在我看來,中國目前是不可投資的,我從來沒有在中國投資過,無論是長線或是短線。我不相信(中國的)數據。我不相信美國和中國之間的關係。」「我認為,在中國的投資可能會被沒收,這是有風險的。」 "China is uninvestible, in my opinion, at… 更多 this point," the bond king told Yahoo Finance in an interview at his California estate. "I've never invested in China long or short. Why is that? I don't trust the data. I don't trust the relationship between the United States and China anymore. I think that investments in China could be confiscated. I think there's a risk of that."