台灣立法院人權促進會訂於21日(星期二)台北時間晚十點(美東時間上午九點,倫敦時間下午兩點)召開線上香港議題公聽會,邀請 Nathan Law Kwun Chung羅冠聰等香港民主運動人士,自由之家、國際民主協會(NDI)、Halifax 全球安全論壇負責人等專家學者到會介紹香港情勢並接受本院委員詢答。英國與美國國會也將派出重量級人士參與。… 更多 公聽會將全程直播,歡迎屆時旁聽。請點擊下面鏈接跟隨本會YouTube賬號,並設定提醒。謝謝!
會長:立委王定宇 This Commission will commence an online public hearing on the Hong Kong issue on Dec. 21st, Tuesday, at 10PM Taipei time (9AM EST, 2PM GMT). Hong Kong democracy activist Nathan Law Kwun Chung as well as experts from Freedom House, NDI, Halifax Security Forum will be briefing the HK situation to lawmakers and answer their inquiries. Influential leaders from both the US and the UK are expected to attend. The hearing will be live broadcasted, welcome to audiences the proceeding. Please click on the link below to subscribe to the commission's YouTube page and set the notification.
Chairman:Ting-Yu Wang 直播請看: