王定宇。 305,189 個讚 · 20,210 人正在談論這個。政治人物
定宇分享日本大選消息…日本眾議院大選,朝野不相上下! 日本眾議院大選,朝野競逐465席的過半席次,日本執政的自民黨聯盟,在Kishda首相領軍下,迎戰由Yukio Edano率領的反對黨,希望能單獨過半,維持自2012年以來的執政地位。 根據日本「日經新聞」出口民調,自民黨席次雖然會大幅減少,但是仍可低空掠過單獨過半的門檻,不過由於這次日本在許多區域朝野競爭旗鼓相當,不到最後開票結果,很難確定由誰過半組閣。… 更多 日本朝野主要政黨對區域安全、印太安全、對中政策、對台政策的主張差異其實不大,主要政黨多是主張以美日同盟為基礎,對抗中國日益擴張的軍事力量;執政黨自民黨更表態歡迎台灣申請加入CPTPP及參與WHA。 Japan’s ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and junior partner Komeito is likely to keep its majority in the lower house of parliament, a Nikkei projection based on a Kyodo News exit poll showed after voting closed for Sunday’s general election. The exit poll showed that new Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is set to achieve the low-bar he set before the vote. But with the LDP and the opposition fighting neck-and-neck in many districts, it is unclear whether the main ruling party will be able to hold on to the sole majority in the 465-seat house that it has held since 2012.
  • 李明昇