1. 日美等民主國家應該覺醒保護台灣這個民主「國家」對抗北京的壓力。
2. 質疑各國包括美日的「一中政策」,承認北京而非台灣。 日本以往的外交、國防政策都相當保守,也非常忌憚中國的態度,然而在近三年來,從安倍到菅義偉,區域安全涵蓋台灣、外交提升與台灣互動層次都越來越清晰,也越來越無視中國壓力。… 更多 而日本和美國有共同防禦的「安保條約」,日本將台灣安全列為日本國家重大利益的紅線,將會牽動美國,或者該說這是日美同盟的默契! —-以下引自路透社—-
WASHINGTON, June 28 (Reuters) - Japan's deputy defense minister on Monday warned of the growing threat posed by Chinese and Russian collaboration and said it was necessary to "wake up" to Beijing's pressure on Taiwan and protect the island "as a democratic country." Speaking to the Hudson Institute think tank, State Minister of Defence Yasuhide Nakayama questioned whether the decision of many countries, including… 更多