「Nikkei Asia(日經亞洲)」這篇最新報導,有三個重點...
1. 美、中關係的緊張,形成二國都高度依賴台灣的晶片。 2.當中國威脅台灣安全時,就成為依賴台灣晶片的美國所需面對的風險。 3. 反之,中國越威脅台灣,就越把台灣越推向美國,也成為依賴台灣晶片的中國所需面對的風險。 The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, led by… 更多 former Google Chairman Eric Schmidt, published a massive report on March 1 that recommended clamping down on China’s ability to procure the manufacturing equipment needed to make advanced computing chips. The report argued it is dangerous for the U.S. to remain dependent on Taiwan for semiconductor devices when China is threatening the island. Ironically, the battle between the U.S. and China over semiconductor technology leadership has brought to the fore their reliance on Taiwan for cutting-edge chips.