疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人, 台北市。 712,146 個讚 · 22,173 人正在談論這個 · 2,413 個打卡次。歡迎來到疾病管制署官方粉絲專頁! ⭐首次與1922防疫達人對話請按「開始使用」 ⭐24小時免付費防疫專線:直撥1922,或撥0800-001922
小編最期待的中秋節要到啦!不論你是「家門口烤肉派」還是「相約烤肉店派」,一年一度跟朋友相約、親友相聚吃烤肉,真是家家戶戶都不容錯過的節慶!咦?中秋烤肉也要注意防疫?現在就讓小編來告訴你,中秋烤肉該怎麼安心烤、安心吃! #中秋烤肉安心吃 #諾羅病毒 #病毒性腸胃炎
  • Michael Tsai
    Dear CDC:

    I am a Taiwanese holding dual citizenship (US).

    On… 更多 Friday, 25 September 2020, I re-entered Taiwan via Taoyuan Airport, after a delay of roughly two-three hours at the CDC check station.

    This comment is meant as a courtesy heads-up for the center.

    I intend to use my self-isolation period to compose a letter detailing what I had sensed while going through the entire pre-quarantine process before being allowed to exit the airport.

    Further, I intend to send this letter to relevant government agencies as well as online news portals, both domestic and international.

    Rest assured that it will be objective and analytically fair from a passenger's point of view.