#衛福編編報報 #TaiwanCanHelp<br> <br> ✏衛生福利部國際合作組劉麗玲技監與以色列衛生部國際司長薩孟(Asher Salmon)於臺灣時間 5 月 3 日下午 2 時(以色列時間 5 月 3 日上午 9 時)共同主持雙邊視訊會議。<br> ✏Councelor Li-Ling Liu and her colleagues had a fruitful group meeting with Dr. Asher… 更多 Salmon, Head of Office of International Relations and Media, MOH of Israel and his colleagues. <br> <br> 我國衛生福利部國際合作組劉麗玲技監與以色列衛生部國際司長薩孟(Asher Salmon)於臺灣時間 5 月 3 日下午 2 時(以色列時間 5 月 3 日上午 9 時)共同主持雙邊視訊會議,會議進行 1 小時,我駐以色列代表張國葆、以色列駐台代表柯司畢(Omer Caspi)及雙方衛生部官員皆共同與會,會中由我疾病管制署曾淑慧組長報告我國 COVID-19 防疫政策,食品藥物管理署陳惠芳副署長解說檢驗方式等,雙方討論熱絡。會中薩孟司長讚許臺灣在對抗 COVID-19 疫情之成就,並就防疫政策進行深入探討,並期待日後能有更密切深化之交流及擴大衛生領域之合作,尤其強調在 COVID-19 疫苗、藥物研發等臺以防疫合作。<br> <br> Councelor Li-Ling Liu and her colleagues had a fruitful group meeting with Dr. Asher Salmon, Head of Office of International Relations and Media, MOH of Israel and his colleagues. Both sides shared their experiences in COVID-19 containment and the recovery strategy after the epidemic. <br> <br> Both sides agreed to have further cooperation.<br> <br> #武漢肺炎 <br> #2019nCoV<br> #嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 <br> #COVID19 <br> #MOHWTaiwan<br> #TaiwanIsHelping